“I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you. This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you.”
2 Timothy 1:5-6 NLT
Paul is writing to one of his spiritual "sons" Timothy. He writes about Timothy's spiritual heritage--the faith of his grandmother and mother.
Spiritual heritage is crucial. While some have the privilege to be born into spiritual heritage others are "born-again" into a spiritual family. Even though you may not have a biological spiritual heritage, you can have one through getting connected in a local church.
But even with a spiritual heritage Timothy still had to "fan into flames the spiritual gift." Our family faith and even impartations from spiritual leaders is not enough. We must actively choose to "fan into flame" that which has been deposited in our lives.
The Spirit of God is within every believer. But the Spirit can become dormant in our lives. We must figure out how to keep the fire burning.
For me it helps to write a daily devotion, have some personal prayer time, listen to some podcast, write in a journal, and listen to worship music. In addition to my regular corporate worship, I am revived through my small group. I don't do each of these every day--but they are a part of my spiritual discipline that keeps the fire hot.
What keeps your spiritual fire hot?
Holy Spirit thanks for living in me. Help me to keep a conscience awareness of Your work in my life. Help me to stay intimately connected to You.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”
This Fresh Bread Devotion and Prayer keep me Closer to God !