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April 22, 2023




One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” And they left their nets at once and followed him.

Mark 1:16-18 NLT



Mark gives us a very simple comment about the first disciples Jesus chose to follow Him. When we piece this story with the other narrative of Matthew, Luke, and John we realize this was not the first encounter Peter and Andrew had with Jesus. They had heard Him speak and had witnessed a miraculous catch of fish when they loaned their boat to Jesus. When they were invited to follow Jesus it was not a casual decision being made for a day or two. It was a decision to commit their lives to be His disciples. It meant becoming a student of Jesus as their teacher for life. I am intrigued by the promise Jesus made to these first disciples. Jesus did not promise them wealth, health, or popularity. He didn’t say, “Follow me and I will make you wealthy.” “Follow me and I will make you the most popular person on social media.” The promise was not for personal comfort or success. The promise was, “Follow me and I will show you how to fish for people.” This is where we get the concept, “to follow is to fish.” Being a follower of Jesus means there should be something about our lives that is constantly working to bring others into His kingdom. If my life does not involve reaching out to the lost and showing them a path into the family of God, then I am not really following Jesus. I have discovered that when someone truly encounters life transformation through the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus you don’t have to tell them to tell others. They want everyone to know about this Jesus that changed their life. It’s like when my wife finds a deal on shoes, she wants her friends to know about the sale. When I find a good place to purchase golf stuff on-line, I want to tell my buddies about the site. Telling others about Jesus doesn’t require a four-week class and memorizing scriptures—although that can help us answer questions and present a clearer message. What it does require is to have a transformed heart. When we have encountered God’s grace and mercy, we want to tell others. We want to be fishers of men. If we aren’t fishing, we aren’t following! I regularly ask God to give me opportunities to share about Jesus. It is amazing the moments I have at the gym, in a grocery store, or on the golf course. When I am looking for opportunities, the Holy Spirit brings them into my life.



Holy Spirit please help me to be a fisher of men. Help me to see those opportunities You have placed in my life. Give me the courage to talk about You.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

2 comentarios

22 abr 2023

God I want my whole life to be a reflection of your grace .

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22 abr 2023

I want to be constantly improving my ability to fish for Jesus.

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