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April 29, 2024




The prudent understand where they are going, but fools deceive themselves.

Proverbs 14:8 NLT



Do you understand where you are going?


The two greatest days of life are the day you were born and the day you figure out why you were born. Many people live the biggest part of their lives never enjoying the second-best day. They never figure out why they were put here on earth.


The concept of living from paycheck to paycheck without a plan for our future leads to a life of defeat and failure. Each day has opportunity and opposition. We must see both and decide what to do with each of them. 


Wise people will choose to seize the opportunities of life and avoid the problems of life. We can’t avoid all the problems of life—they are often opportunities for us to grow and learn. But there are some problems in life that we cause ourselves because of our laziness or lack of preparation. 


When we understand where we are going, we use the time, talent, and treasure we must, to move us in that direction. We chose to discipline our time so that we listen to a podcast, read a book, attend a seminar, take a class, or invest in new relationships that will move us in the direction of our dreams. 


Americans spend a lot of time on things that aren’t moving us in the direction we want to go. We allow television, social media, sporting events, hobbies, and other people to move us in the wrong direction. We lose focus and purpose and find ourselves wandering around with no direction. 


Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to give us dreams that demand focus. 



Holy Spirit I ask Your help in directing my life. Give me Your dreams and direction. Give me the discipline to use the time, talent, and treasure You have given me to move towards the dreams You have for my life. 

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