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August 1, 2023




Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7 NLT



Let’s talk a moment about giving. When it comes to stewardship, we have to consider what we do with the time, talent, and treasure God has given to us. We are considered stewards, or managers of the time, talent, and treasure God has entrusted to us. We can treat these resources the way the world does, or the way God says. The world promotes, “Get all you can, can all your get, and then hide the can!” The world’s philosophy is based on the assumption there is a limited number of resources. Culture would say we have limited time, talent, and treasure and if we give any of it away, we will lose it forever. God’s kingdom teaches there is an unlimited supply of time, talent, and treasure. We can choose to use God’s resources for our need, our greed, or our seed. A part of our resources of time, talent, and treasure must be used to supply our needs. We need food to eat, clothes to wear, and a safe place to sleep. Often, we confuse need with greed. We think we need a new car, boat, or pair of shoes when actually that is greed, not need. There is nothing wrong with those things—God wants us to be blessed and have abundance to enjoy things. But we must be careful that we don’t avoid the major purpose of God’s resources—they are to be seeds for the advancement of His kingdom. When I look at the time, talent, and treasure God puts in my life I have to realize He has given me seed to use to advance His kingdom. The more seed I plant the larger the harvest. I will have more time, talent, and treasure to do the work God has assigned to me. The issue is always a heart issue. Am I giving my time, talent, and treasure out of reluctance or compulsion? Those are the wrong motivators. Instead, we learn to give cheerfully because our heart’s desire is to advance the kingdom of God. We rejoice when the kingdom advances. God loves a cheerful giver! We can give cheerfully only when we have a right heart.



Holy Spirit please help my heart to be in alignment with You. Help me to see the time, talent, and treasure You have given me to be a seed to advance Your kingdom.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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5 comentarios

01 ago 2023

I want to always be giving out of a cheerful heart.

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01 ago 2023

Lord I want my heart to match my actions .

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01 ago 2023

Father, every good gift came from you. I pray all that I do with it comes from a pure heart and honors you.

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01 ago 2023

Help me to give abundantly and to be a steward of the blessings You provide me. In doing this, I will be intentional, and not just doing it because Your Word instructs me.

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01 ago 2023

Father, I pray that I give to You what is Yours. Forgive me when I've held back.

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