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August 12, 2023




The Lord will guarantee a blessing on everything you do and will fill your storehouses with grain. The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you.

Deuteronomy 28:8 NLT



I have learned something very important about guarantees, they are only as good as the person making the guarantee. I see a lot of products advertised to be guaranteed to work. The problem is the guarantee is only from the person selling the product and I don’t believe they have my best interest at heart—they are wanting to make money. God makes a quarantine of blessing on us if we are willing to obey His way of doing things. This guarantee applies to every area of our lives—including our finances. When we walk in obedience with the way we handle our finances we open the door for God to bless our lives. Our obedience begins with what we have. Even though we may think we don’t have much time, talent, or treasure when we choose to use them to bless others and advance the kingdom of God we are living in obedience to God. God’s heart is that every person, everywhere in the world will have the opportunity to know His love and purpose for their lives. When we choose to use our time, talent, and resources to advance the heart of God we are putting ourselves in alignment with God’s heart. When we are in alignment with God, we begin to discover blessings that come from unexpected places. He has unlimited resources. He can bless us in amazing ways.



Holy Spirit show me any adjustments that I need to make to be in alignment with Your will and purpose.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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Barbara Hill
Barbara Hill
Aug 12, 2023

8/12 - sometimes my understanding that those guarantees and blessings can come after a person dies. I may not live to see my children receive the blessings but I trust the Guarantor to make good on what He has promised me. I don't need to see it to believe it will come to pass.


Aug 12, 2023

Lord I have been hearing you speak to me loud and clear about how I should be living my life, in accordance to your will. Thank you Lord .


Aug 12, 2023

I believe in God’s ability to keep His promises. I know He will provide for me as I am faithful In how I handle what He has given to me.



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