There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death.
Proverbs 14:12 NLT
Our human intellect is so limited. While we think we know all the facts and can make wise decisions we rarely do. Most, if not all of us, live not with the facts of life but with our interpretation of the facts. Our interpretation of the facts is based on our personal perspective. That perspective is influenced by everything we have experienced in our lives.
Having the right perspective helps us resist temptation. When we look at a situation from God's viewpoint, we realize the long-term consequences of sin are greater than any short-term pleasure sin might provide. (Yes, sin is fun for a season, if it wasn’t there would be no temptation to sin.)
Without perspective we follow our own natural inclinations. “There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death.” That is a powerful thought. The wrong perspective will lead us down the wrong path.
Perspective helps us also handle trials. When we have God's perspective on life, we realize that "... in all things God works for the good of those who love him..." (Romans 8:28) and that "the testing of your faith develops perseverance." (James 1:3)
Perspective was one of the reasons Jesus was able to endure the cross (Hebrews 12:2). He looked past the pain to the joy that was set before him.
We need a Holy Spirit perspective about every aspect of life. I often think of our perspective as a filter that impacts every decision, I make daily. If I’m not careful that perspective gets clogged with some wrong data. I need the Holy Spirit to clean my filter so that I am making good decisions with a clean filter.
Holy Spirit, please clean out my filter. Remove the hurts, hang-ups, and habits of my past that give me a messed-up perspective of my present. Help me to make decisions from Your perspective.
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