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December 15, 2023




“I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love. When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow! This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you.”

John 15:9-12 NLT



Love and joy go together—especially during this Christmas season.

We must recognize that Jesus came to earth to express God’s love to humanity. He gave us a living demonstration of God’s love for us so that we can follow that example in how we love others.

Jesus came to lay down His life for us. This was His expression of love to us. We get to follow that example by laying down our lives for others.

When we accept God’s gift of love through Jesus and allow that love to flow out of us toward others, we begin to discover true joy. Joy is not the absence of hurt pain, fear, confusion, or frustration. Joy is the presence of Jesus in our lives. We know He is with us because we have chosen to surrender our will to His will. We refuse to be selfish and hard hearted. We allow the Holy Spirit to help us get our lives in alignment with His Word and will.

When we are living in alignment with God’s Word and will we discover true joy. There is joy not in accumulating things, titles, or recognition. There is joy in having authentic, loving relationships, and living at peace with God.

When we experience God’s love, we have peace with God which allows us to have peace with ourselves and with others. This peace releases us to love ourselves and others. The combination allows us to live in joy.

What are you doing this holiday season to have some joy in your life? I propose the best way to get some joy is to choose to love others in a self-sacrificing way. This is a great time of year to find someone in need and give of your time, talent, and treasure to serve them.

Bring some joy to someone else and the return is amazing.



Holy Spirit help me today to see those in my world with whom I can release joy. Help me to show Your love in tangible ways this season. Help me to avoid the chaos and instead love like never before.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

3 comentarios

16 dic 2023

I read this again , thinking it was for Saturday but perhaps I needed to read it again. Anyways as I circle back I have to say God has done it for me.

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15 dic 2023

It has been a chaotic day as I didn’t read my fresh bread first when I woke up. I know for a fact I can never survive without God first in my life . I ask now for peace and a whole lot of understanding and less chaos. Lord please let your will be done. Please.

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15 dic 2023

Something about doing something for someone else always gives me joy. There is rich blessing in serving others.

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