They hurried to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the manger. After seeing him, the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child. All who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished,
Luke 2:16-18 NLT
The first evangelists in the New Testament were not trained theologians but lowly shepherds. In the Jewish faith the shepherds rarely participated in Temple worship mainly for two reasons: ritual purity and social status.
Because of their work with animals, dead carcasses, and other things they were often considered ceremonially unclean, they were ostracized. To attend Temple worship, they would be required to undergo purification rituals before entering the Temple.
Their social status was another problem. Their work kept them on the fringes of society. They were often not able to attend regular religious gatherings or uphold certain ceremonial expectations.
Yet, these lowly shepherds received an invitation to the birth of God’s Son. Delivered by not just one angel but a host of angels. God’s grand announcement of Jesus’ birth was not to the wealthy, politically connected, or even the religious leaders. The announcement was given to lowly shepherds.
Perhaps they couldn’t walk into the Temple, but they could walk into a stable. They could reach out and touch the Son of God in human flesh.
If you ever think there is no place for you in God’s family just remember the shepherds. They got a special invitation to be a part of the birth of God’s Son.
That moment was so transformational the shepherds went to tell everyone of their angelic visit and God’s plan for this baby. They were so excited that those who heard them talk were astonished.
There was no reason for shepherds to lie. They may not have known all the prophecies. They may not have been able to explain God’s plan for mankind. But they had a personal encounter with the living Son of God. That encounter motivated them to want to tell everyone.
Who have you told this week about your encounter with Jesus?
Holy Spirit help me to be Your evangelist. Help me to share my story with others so they can experience Jesus.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”
Jesus, I will always tell
Others of the grace and glory on my life