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December 17, 2024




Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen.

James 5:7 NLT



Let’s talk about the gift of patience. When we were children, it seemed that Christmas took forever to arrive. As grandparents it seems to get here rather quickly. It seems we just took the decorations down when it’s time to put them up again.


For the nation of Israel, they had waited hundreds of years for the promised birth of a Messiah. Many had come claiming to be the Messiah, but they died, and their movement died with them.


Mary got the visit from the angel to proclaim God’s plan for her life. She was going to have a baby that would be the Son of God. That baby took nine months in the womb before it became a reality. 


Today we live in history between the first and second coming of Christ. The first time He came as a baby to die for the sins of the world. After His resurrection Jesus spent 40 days revealing Himself to His followers and preparing them for the birth of the Church. During Jesus’ first trip to earth, He talked about a future coming when He would establish His kingdom on earth.


The second coming of Christ will not the same as the first. He will come riding a glorious horse and bring judgment on the sins of the world. Jesus will banish Satan from the earth for one thousand years before establishing a New Heavens and New Earth.


We aren’t sure of the timing for Jesus’ second coming. There are many indications this could happen at any time. We want to be sure we aren’t like the religious people in Jesus’ day who totally missed His first coming. We are warned in scripture to be patient and eagerly wait for His return.


Let’s let this Christmas be a motivation to examine our priorities and practices to see if we are prepared for His soon return. He is coming again. Let’s be ready. 



Holy Spirit show me anything in my life that would keep me from being ready for Your soon return. Help me to practice patience with expectation. I want to join You in Your mission. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”





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