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December 18, 2024




“Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel told her, “for you have found favor with God!”

Luke 1:30 NLT



Imagine being Mary and hearing those words, “you have found favor with God.” For most people we would immediately think that good things are about to come into our lives. We would think that we are about to hit the jackpot of blessings, health, and wisdom. 


God’s favor on Mary included a lot of pain, rejection, misunderstanding, and eventually a broken heart as she watched her son die on a cross at the hands of wicked men. But it also included the privilege to have a front-row seat for incredible miracles and His resurrection. It also included the fact that two thousand years after her life people around the world would still be talking about her. 


One author defined favor as “having approval, support or liking for someone or something. To feel or show approval or preference for.” Another source said that favor can be defined as an act of kindness, support, or approval that someone gives to another person. It is something that is not necessarily earned but is freely given. 


If you study the bible, you will find that favor is generally characterized by generosity, grace, or goodwill extended towards others. 


I believe God’s favor is not earned, but it can be blocked. If we reject God’s direction in our lives and choose to go our own way we will suffer the consequences of our choices. 


Why would God give favor to those who reject His counsel and direction? 


As a parent and grandparent, I want to bless my children. But I can’t bless them if they are making decisions that will damage their future. Actions have consequences. If I don’t teach my children and grandchildren, the principle of consequences then they will never grow and will become entitled brats that no one wants to be around. 


God wants to give you favor this Christmas season. Lean into His Word and ask for His advice. Don’t lean on your limited knowledge. Accept God’s Word as truth and live by that truth. Obedience will open the door of God’s favor. 



Holy Spirit I want to live in the favor of God. I want my life to be in alignment with You. Help me to live under Your favor. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”



1 Comment

Dec 18, 2024

Lord thanks for your grace and favor always



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