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January 13, 2025




Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me.”

Matthew 16:24 NLT



It is very possible to be a Christian, be baptized in water, and even filled with the Holy Spirit and still not have fully surrendered your life to the Lordship of Jesus. We can regularly attend church and yet still not have given up our own way of doing things. 


We can give God part of our lives—like Sunday morning for worship and twice a month for our small group—and yet hold on to the rest of our lives to do with as we want. We are still in the driver’s seat and Jesus is just our passenger.


Some of us surrender the driver’s seat to Jesus but then want to give our directions on how fast we should be going and what is the best path to take. When I’m driving, I don’t like having someone else tell me when to slow down, when to turn, and what lane to take. 


Giving up “our way” and “taking up our cross” is fully surrendering to the Lordship of Jesus. This is the life that offers much more than a religious experience. This is where we discover a fulfilling, satisfying life. 


During our time of prayer and fasting let’s ask the Holy Spirit to show us any area of our lives in which we want to stay in the driver’s seat. Perhaps there are some relationships that need to be surrendered to God. Perhaps we need to invite Him to take control of our finances. Perhaps we need to surrender our entertainment and hobbies to the Lordship of Jesus. Maybe there are some habits or attitudes that we have made excuses for that need to be surrendered.


Perhaps as you pray today take time to write down those areas that come to your mind as things that need to be surrendered fully to the Lordship of Jesus. 



Holy Spirit please show me anything in my life that is not in alignment with Your will and purpose. Show me how I can surrender that area to you. I want to fully follow You. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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