Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically. Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying. When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.
Romans 12:11-13 NLT
I want to focus a moment on the part of our passage that says, “serve the Lord enthusiastically.” In the notes of my Bible version it gives an alternative reading of, “let the Spirit excite you as you serve the Lord.”
How many followers of Christ serve reluctantly, acting as if it is a duty or obligation rather than a privilege?
Paul seems to tell us that when our lives are full of the Spirit we will not be lazy, we will be full of joy, patience in trouble, faithful in prayer, and always opening up our lives to serve others. But how do we do this in a practical sense?
I propose we could start by asking the Holy Spirit to fill our lives with His presence. Then we ask Him to show us those who are lonely or in need of encouragement. I think we might be surprised who God has already put in our world that could use a friend to share a meal or cup of coffee to listen and pray.
Perhaps we open our home for a small group so that people who are disconnected could connect in meaningful relationships. Just hosting a small group twice a month could start a process of caring for others that will have incredible ripples.
What could you do this week to put this passage into practical work in your world?
Holy Spirit show me those in my world that need encouragement. Show me how I can be an extension of Your love to the needy around me. Help me this week to make a difference in someone’s life.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”
I want to have eyes that see people the way God sees them. I want to have a heart that response the way God responds.
Lord , I want to be a vessel.