Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
Matthew 6:33 NLT
God wants to bless His children. I believe this is a foundational truth of Scripture. I also believe there is a part that we play in the process. According to this passage we must have the right priorities and practice obedience.
Our priority must be God's kingdom and God's will not ours. Putting God first must be a conscience decision on our part. As a pastor I was often faced with choices about whether my motivation was to increase my reputation, influence, or power as opposed to advancing God’s kingdom.
When God first challenged me to plant churches our leadership chose to intentionally make it about growing God’s kingdom not our kingdom. We invested people and money to help launch other churches with no benefit to our local church.
We chose to view this process just like giving money to plant a church in Africa or anywhere else in the world. I don’t expect to get some return from a church I helped to plant in Africa. Why should I expect a personal return on a church I plant thirty miles away?
This same principle is played out in our daily decisions. How I spend my time, talent, and treasure will tell whether I am seeking my kingdom or God’s kingdom. There are some people who don’t want to be involved in something if there is no return for themselves.
Secondly, we must "live righteously"--I believe that means I must not cover known sin in my life. I must confess, repent, and walk away from known sin. Start, to the best of my ability, to live a life of obedience to God's Word. (Ignorance is no excuse, so learn what the Word says.)
There should be something about the way I live my life that is very different from the culture in which I live. It should not be limited to my church attendance, dress, or lack of profanity. There should be something about the way I treat people, the way I treat my wife and family, the way I spend money, and the places I go that sends out a message that I am living for a higher standard. I am a kingdom person.
Is God's kingdom your priority?
Is there any hidden sin in your life that needs to be removed?
Father God, I invite the Holy Spirit to teach me how my life can line up with Your kingdom and Your will. I willfully open my life to be examined by the Spirit. Show me areas that need to change. Forgive me and empower me to walk in obedience. Let my life be a life You can bless. Meet all my needs.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”
Thank you Lord for being such a gracious God. I have told you recently the known sins I need to cut out and I will definitely be working on that.
I want to always be living for His kingdom not my kingdom.