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January 24, 2025





But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted!

John 15:7 NLT



What is the key to getting our prayers answered?


The answer is simple and powerful—we must “remain in” Jesus and have His word “remain in” us. This means our lives must be in alignment with Jesus and our request must be in alignment with God’s Word.


Effective prayers come from people who are living in alignment with God’s will for our lives. We can’t be living with known sin and expect our prayers to be answered. We must confess our sins and admit we are wrong. We also repent of our sins—turn around and walk away from the wrong and do the right.


An illustration of this would be if we were praying for financial blessings over our lives. We know according to scripture that as followers of Christ we are to give to God the first ten percent of our income—this is called tithing. The tithe is to go to the house of the Lord—the place where we are receiving our spiritual life. If we are asking for financial blessings but not willing to tithe, then we aren’t in alignment with the Word of God. 


Once we make the choice to get our lives in alignment with God’s Word we must get our prayers in alignment with God’s Word. In the area of financial blessings why are we asking for financial blessings? According to the Word of God we know that God’s wants to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). 


The Word of God teaches that God blesses us so that we can be a blessing to others (Genesis 12:2; 2 Corinthians 9:8-11). So, the question becomes: am I to ask for financial blessing simply to have a bigger house, nicer car, or to impress others? Do I want to be able to receive financial blessings to meet my needs and bless others who are in need? God wants our needs to be met—but let’s be careful that we don’t confuse “greed” with “need.”


This concept works in any area of our lives that we are asking God for help. Let’s consider that we are praying for our marriage to be stronger. Is our marriage in alignment with God’s Word? Do we practice serving each other? Do we worship God together as a couple? Are we making choices about our relationship that are in alignment with God’s Word?


What about our prayers for physical health? Are we treating our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit? Do we practice the habits of good eating, rest, and exercise? Why would God give us health if we aren’t willing to properly steward the body, He has given us?


I believe as we fast and pray God will direct us to take steps of faith to begin to take actions that will get us in greater alignment with His will and Word. The Holy Spirit can show us steps we need to take to release God’s work in and through our lives. Listen to what the Spirit is saying to you and write it down as a reminder of the steps you need to take. Then watch how God begins to answer prayers that are prayed by a person living in alignment.


Closing note—I do not believe it is possible to live in perfection. I believe God has grace for our humanity. Don’t allow Satan to use my comments today to put condemnation on you and feel like you have no right to ask God for things in your life. Instead, ask the Holy Spirit to forgive you for the past and empower you to make the changes you need to make. Then accept the grace of God to move forward.



Holy Spirit I need Your help. I want to live in alignment with Your will and Your Word. Show me any adjustments I need to make. Help me to make those adjustments. Give me faith to ask for big things. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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Just prayed about this last night . So God help me .

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24 ene

Alignment is the key. Just like keeping my vehicle in alignment it is not a one time deal. I have to check my alignment regularly.

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