Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.
Romans 12:11 NLT
Today is day 21–you made it!
My passage for today is the same passage we started this journey with on day 1. The challenge then—and now—is to live your life “enthusiastically.” As Spirit-filled followers of Christ I believe we should always live life with enthusiasm.
While we do not live by our emotions—we live by faith—we should strive to keep our emotions in love with Jesus. I believe God wants us to live as passionate followers of Jesus.
Throughout these 21 days I trust you have developed a greater love for the things of God. I trust that giving time in your busy life to connect with God daily has increased your passion for the things of God.
Now, let’s commit to keep that passion alive. Perhaps we might decide to continue the practice of fasting by giving one day a week to fast to remind ourselves to keep your passion alive. Perhaps you choose another method that will keep our focus on pleasing God and hearing from the Spirit of God.
Whatever you do don’t allow this past 21 days to be an end of your desire to see God working in and through your life on a daily basis. There is more to our spiritual journey than what we have currently experienced. God can do more in and through us than we have yet dreamed.
If we have breath in our lungs God has more for us. It may look different at different stages of our lives, but there will always be something new with our God. His mercies are new every morning.
Let’s be a people who live enthusiastically in love with God. Let’s expect God to show up in our lives on a regular basis.
Holy Spirit, I want You deeper in my life every day. I want to continue to learn how to listen to You. I want to see You working in and through me each day.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”