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January 3, 2025




Once when some Israelites were burying a man, they spied a band of these raiders. So they hastily threw the corpse into the tomb of Elisha and fled. But as soon as the body touched Elisha’s bones, the dead man revived and jumped to his feet!

2 Kings 13:21 NLT



I admit that there are some parts of scripture that are hard to intellectually wrap my brain around. This is one such passage. It is a story that appears shortly after the death of Elisha. He has been a prophet in the nation for over 60 years. He is buried. The nation is being plagued by Moabite raiders.


People are carrying a dead man to the cemetery for burial when a group of Moabite raiders are seen heading their way. In a rush they evidently roll the stone away from Elisha’s tomb and throw the body of the deceased into the tomb of Elisha. The moment the dead man’s body touches the bones of Elisha the man comes back to life. 


Evidently the other men witnessed this event and reported it to the king. This had to be a major faith builder to realize God can still work even through a dead man.


I know this is tough to figure out intellectually but let’s just choose to be people of faith and decide that sometimes we can’t figure out the way God works. Maybe we need to be okay with realizing we can’t figure everything out. 


For today let’s just realize that even when it looks like life is over it may not be over. God can still work miracles when we think it is all over. When the relationship seems hopeless. When the addiction seems to totally be in control. When the finances are gone. When the doctor’s report says there is no cure. When life looks lost—God can still work.


What area of your life looks impossible? What in the natural appears to be over. Are heading to the graveyard of defeat? Is it possible that God may want to bring a miracle in this graveyard? 


Are you willing to believe God is working even in apparent defeat?



Holy Spirit give me eyes to see my circumstances and issues from Your perspective. Help me to believe when it looks impossible. Help me to trust You are working even in my graveyard of defeat.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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