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January 30, 2023


I AM TRUSTING___________?


But I am trusting you, O Lord, saying, “You are my God!” My future is in your hands. Rescue me from those who hunt me down relentlessly.

Psalms 31:14-15 NLT



Where is your trust? Where is your future? Many people claim to be trusting in God but when we look closely, they seem to be trusting more in their jobs, their financial resources, their intelligence, their family of origin, their reputation, their health, their past accomplishments, or their great personality. (Ok, that is one long sentence, but I hope you get the point.) Maybe that is why Jesus said it is important to come into the kingdom of God as a child (Matthew 18:3). He was speaking those words to people who were very proud of their religious activities and thought they were special to God because of their sacrifice and hard work to obey the law. David declared, “I am trusting in you, O Lord, saying, ‘You are my God!’” I think God responds when we decide to trust in Him above everything else. I believe there are steps of faith we are asked to take that may seem unreasonable and scary. Those are the moments when we choose to trust in God. Part of trusting in God is placing our future in God’s hands. Cindy and I faced this in the past few months when we chose to leave our position as Lead Pastors in a great church to step out by faith and follow what we felt was God’s plan for our lives. We had no guarantee of what this life would look like. We took a couple of years to prepare ourselves and be good stewards, but it was a faith step for sure. Is there an area of your life God is asking you to take a faith step? To put your trust in God. To put your future in His hands?



Lord Jesus, today I choose to trust You with my life. I ask the Holy Spirit to direct me and show me any areas of my life that I am trusting in anything other than You.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”



My hope and trust are in the Lord.



Your plans are always to prosper me! I give You my full life. Keep me rooted in You, God



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