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January 9, 2024




And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.

Matthew 16:19 NLT



This statement of Jesus was made to Peter immediately after Peter declared Jesus to be the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus declared that the Church would be built on that confession of Jesus as the Son of God. Then Jesus gives Peter the “keys of the kingdom” and authority to “bind” or “forbid” and to “permit” or “loose.”

I believe this authority given to Peter on this day some two thousand years ago was not exclusive to Peter. I believe Jesus was giving that authority to anyone who chose to confess Jesus as Lord of their lives. As followers of Jesus, we have been given this authority to use the “keys of the Kingdom.”

This authority is exercised through our prayer times with Father God. We do not have some external authority to choose what or who will be loosed or bound. We are God’s representatives on earth exercising on earth what God has already established in heaven. We are working with the Spirit of God to bring God’s kingdom down to earth.

I believe we have been given authority over the principalities and powers of darkness in the name of Jesus to stand against their influence and attacks in our world. However, we rarely use that authority because we don’t spend enough time in God’s presence so we can discern His will. We don’t seek God’s Kingdom and verbalize His will.

Part of prayer is verbalizing God’s will to be done on earth. Binding the spiritual powers that want to interfere with God’s will and releasing the Holy Spirit to work in lives and events on earth.

My understanding of scripture is that God has chosen to work through human instruments to accomplish His will on earth. Many of God’s desires on earth are not being fulfilled because the Church is not fulfilling our role as His implementers. We aren’t seeking His kingdom and His will on earth. We aren’t spending enough time in prayer listening to the Holy Spirit to discern God’s will. We aren’t speaking God’s will over our lives, families, church, and community.

There is power in prayer that is not being exercised. Let’s change that narrative. Let’s begin to use our God-given keys of prayer and release God’s kingdom on earth.



Holy Spirit, today, I ask You to teach me how to pray. Show me how to make a greater impact in my world as I use the keys You have made available to me.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”


1 Comment

Jan 09, 2024

I want to exercise the authority God has given to me. I want my prayers to bring about His kingdom and His will in my world.



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