A passerby named Simon, who was from Cyrene, was coming in from the countryside just then, and the soldiers forced him to carry Jesus’ cross. (Simon was the father of Alexander and Rufus.)
Mark 15:21 NLT
There are many interesting people associated with the crucifixion events, perhaps one of the most interesting is Simon from Cyrene. It was Simon Peter who had promised that he would be willing to die for Jesus and would never desert Him. But it was a different Simon who carried the cross of Jesus. It was a common practice for a condemned person to be forced to carry their own cross—or at least the cross bar—to the place of execution. It was part of the humiliation for their crime. Around their neck they would wear a sign stating their crime and this sign would be mounted on their cross. Jesus’ sign stated, “The King of the Jews.” After being mocked, hit, spit on, whipped, and beaten by the soldiers it is easy to understand Jesus was too weak to carry His own cross. The Romans had full power to enlist anyone to perform a job. Simon was from out of town. Evidently, he and his two sons had come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. Now Simon finds himself carrying the cross for the true Passover Lamb—the Son of God. It is interesting to note that Mark is the only gospel writer that identifies the sons of Simon. The obvious reason would be that Mark knew his Roman readers would recognize Alexander and Rufus. Simon and his sons had become followers of Christ and were active in the family of believers in Rome. What happened in those moments walking to Golgotha? Simon experienced something that must have changed his life. I’m sure he thought he was in the wrong place at the wrong time when the Roman guards grabbed him to carry the cross of a convict. But that one moment became a life changing moment. I think that Simon of Cyrene told his sons and family and friends about every part of that moment. I think years later he was still talking to his grandchildren about the day he walked with Jesus to Golgotha. The day he got to carry the cross of Jesus. Sometimes the biggest moments of our lives don’t start out that spectacular. We are just doing life and suddenly we get interrupted. Perhaps we feel inconvenienced or even irritated at the interruption. But somewhere in that moment we begin to realize this interruption was a God thing. God was working when we didn’t see it. God was breaking into our lives to transform something in us. As followers of Christ we should always be ready for those God moments. We should be open to opportunities to touch someone or be touched by someone. We must learn to keep our eyes open. God may be wanting to work in us and through us in ways we can’t hardly imagine. What could God do in and through you today?
Holy Spirit help me to be flexible to Your plan. Help me to lean into Your will and purpose.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”
I want to be an instrument in God’s hands today.
Help me to stay focused on Your will for my life. For You have a purpose and plan far better than my dreams