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July 16, 2024




We should help others do what is right and build them up in the Lord.

Romans 15:2 NLT



As followers of Christ, we have a responsibility to each other. We do not live our lives just for ourselves. We have been placed in the family of God to do three things for the other members of the family—challenge, encourage, and speak honestly to them.


We all need people in our lives who will challenge us. When I am around certain people I want to be better. I want to read more, learn more, and grow more. They challenge me to be the best me I can be. 


Tom Landry, the legendary coach of the Dallas Cowboys, used to say, “I get paid to get guys to do what they don’t want to do in order to achieve what they want to achieve.”


We can do that for each other. We can challenge each other to stretch beyond our comfort zones to become the person God created and gifted us to become.


We also need to encourage each other. This can’t be a false encouragement that tells everyone they are the greatest. True encouragement sees the gifts and talents in a person and speaks life into those gifts and talents. We help others see the potential that is inside of them as a gift from God. 


I still have a vivid memory of a spiritual leader who spoke into my life as a pre-teen. He said he saw in me the gifting to be a spiritual leader. He quoted some passages of scripture over me, and I’ve never forgotten that moment. 


In difficult seasons of my life God has always seemed to send the right people at the right time to speak encouragement into my life. I try to allow the Holy Spirit to use me to speak encouragement into the lives of others.


Finally, we also need to speak honestly to each other. Let’s not be guilty of flattery. That is meaningless. We need people who love us and want the best for us enough that they are willing to be honest with us. People who will tell us when we are being lazy or having a pity party. People that will tell us when they sense we are heading down the wrong path.


Great people invite into their lives people who can be honest with them. People who love them and want the best for them but are also willing to have the hard conversations.


You don’t really love someone if you aren’t willing to have the hard conversation with them. 


Let’s commit to help each other do what is right and build each other up through our words of challenge, encouragement, and honesty.



Holy Spirit help me to be sensitive to those You have put in my life that may need to be challenged and/or encouraged through words of honesty. Help me to always listen to those You have put in my life to help me. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”


Jul 17, 2024

Some powerful truths. I need others and they need me.


Jul 16, 2024

Lord I want to be a source of goodness to those around me . Let them see YOU in ME .



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