Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. Then he will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with good wine.
Proverbs 3:9-10 NLT
Let’s consider what God is saying to us in this passage in reference to the treasure God has put in our hands. Notice that God did not say, “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the leftovers of everything you produce.”
Our culture tends to only give away the “leftovers.” If we have extra, then we act like it is a grand gesture to give part of our leftovers to God.
God doesn’t ask for the leftovers; He asks for the “best part.” Some translations call the best part “the first fruits.” The concept is that we are to give God the first 10% of our income, not 10% from the leftovers.
Our society is very good at getting us to spend everything we make and then some. There is always a new car, pair of shoes, or toy that we just must have. There is never a lack of something to buy. One study showed the average American spends $1,300 for every $1,000 they make. That is a formula for disaster.
When we discipline ourselves to give God the first 10% it will encourage discipline with the other 90%.
If we are obedient in this area of our lives, we will discover abundance in our lives. There will be more than enough to supply our needs. God wants to supply our need, but not our greed.
Holy Spirit please help me to always be faithful in bringing the first and best of what You have blessed me with.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”
Lord . I have been trying to do my best with tithing this year . Thank you for always blessing me abundantly and for showing me how good it can get. Forgive me for the times I lack .