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July 31, 2023




Give to everyone what you owe them: Pay your taxes and government fees to those who collect them, and give respect and honor to those who are in authority. Owe nothing to anyone—except for your obligation to love one another. If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill the requirements of God’s law.

Romans 13:7-8 NLT



There are times when we do incur debt. I have a debt on my house. At times I may have to borrow money for an emergency. I have a debt to pay the government personal taxes and social security. Paul tells us as followers of Christ we are to pay our debts. The follower of Christ who does not pay their debts is a poor witness to the cause of Christ. Sometimes we get ourselves in debt by foolish spending. In those moments we need to take a hard look at our spending habits and commit to make whatever adjustment needed to get out of debt. For many people that includes plastic surgery—cut up the plastic credit cards and stop charging on a credit card. Get a debit card so that you can only spend money that you have. There are other times when we incur debt due to emergency or unforeseen circumstances. Cindy and I have had times where medical emergencies created a financial debt at medical facilities. I did not avoid the debt but instead I asked to meet with the finance office and work out a repayment plan. I worked on repayment of the debt and God helped to remove the debt. The way we handle money is a testimony to the world of our self-discipline and faith in God. Part of the fruit of the Spirit in our lives is self-control. How can we claim to be Spirit-filled followers of Jesus and yet be reckless with our finances? Instead of being controlled by the Spirit we are often controlled by the flesh. Our fleshly desire drives us to purchase things we can’t afford. I’ve known people who said they were making purchases by faith when they were operating out of foolishness. Don’t blame God for your lack of self-discipline.



Holy Spirit I need Your help in my finances. I ask You to give me wisdom and self-control in every purchase of my life. Help me to pay my debts and be careful when incurring debt.

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