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July 31, 2024




Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.

Ephesians 3:20 NLT



I have always been a dreamer. I love this passage of scripture and repeat it to myself almost daily in my prayer time. It is a reminder to me about how big God is and what He can and wants to do in and through my life. 


As big as I can dream, God can do more. The problem with most of us is we ask too little and want everything way to quick.


First, we ask too little. I was challenged a few years ago by the question, “If God answered all your prayers, would the world be different?” That was when I started to ask bigger prayers. Prayers that could change not just my family and friends but cities, states, and nations. Why not ask God to plant a church within walking distance of every person on the continent of Africa? Why not ask God to draw people from every county around me to a house of worship every week?


Secondly, we ask for our prayers to be answered quickly and then get disappointed with the delay. Years ago, I was challenged that we can usually do less in a year than we think but more in ten years than we think. Instead of thinking about what God wants to do this week in my life how about dreaming what God wants to do in the next ten years? Take one step today in the direction God is leading me and then see what happens in ten years. 


We can’t imagine what God can do in us and through us in the next ten years. But we can begin to live by faith today and take a positive step in the right direction. 



Holy Spirit help me to dream bigger and pray bigger. Help me to take a positive step towards the future you have for me. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

1 Comment

Jul 31, 2024

I want to be a big dreamer.



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