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March 1, 2025




Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.

Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT



Trying to hear the voice of God in directing our lives is a continual process of growth. For many of us the problem is increased because we have a pretty good idea of what we should do before we ask God for HIs direction.


When we already have our plans in mind it is like asking someone for direction and then covering our ears. We can’t hear what they are saying because we aren’t really listening. We spoke words to ask for direction but then we cover our ears to block out what they say.


This is why it is crucial we come to God in humility. That is what it means to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart.” I am humbling myself before the will of God. I am admitting I don’t have all the answers and need the Holy Spirit to direct me. 


This also means I don’t have my mind already decided on what I’m going to do. I am not going to depend on my “own understanding.” In my life I have found myself already calculating how I think God should handle my situation. I have thought through what I think should be done. In those times, when I come to God for direction, I am actually coming to inform Him of what I think He needs to do. 


Those are the moments God is silent. (And silence does not mean He agrees with me.)


So, I must learn to come to God with a blank board. I don’t give Him my ideals or thoughts, I just come to listen. I acknowledge my wisdom is limited and I need a bigger perspective.


Another thought, I must be sure I’m seeking His will “in all” things. I don’t just seek God in some areas but then in other areas I want to make my own decisions. The only way to get God’s direction in my life is to yield ALL my life into His control. I let Him oversee everything. 


Getting direction from God is a “all-or-nothing” equation. We can’t tell God we want Him to direct our marriage, but we will handle the finances. We can’t ask Him to direct our finances but then we want to handle our scheduling of when we go to church. 


I believe God is wanting to direct our lives through His Word, the Holy Spirit, and the family of God. But we must humble ourselves, give up our plans, and yield all of my life.



Holy Spirit, I want You to be charge of my life. I want every part of my life to be led by You. Show me areas that I am withholding from You. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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Lord please order my Steps and where I am

Lacking .



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