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March 23, 2023




The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world. God has made a home in the heavens for the sun.

Psalms 19:1-4 NLT



For those who live in an urban setting where the neon lights block out the night stars this may seem a strange psalm. In our urbanization and busyness of life we can miss the proclamation of God's glory. I heard of a professor once who stood at the white board and put a black dot in the middle of the board. He asked his students, “What do you see?” Their response was, “A black dot.” Then he shared what he saw, “A big white box with a tiny black dot.” Human nature is to focus on the black dots of our lives and miss the big white box. We get caught up in the daily activities and stress of life and forget to see God. I would suggest that at least a couple of times a year you make a retreat away from the city lights and into God's creation. Observe the grandeur of God's creation. Listen to the crickets, birds, and frogs in their natural habitat. Allow your mind and body to reset to the rhythm of God's creation. I don't believe God designed us to live in a concrete jungle. He put Adam and Eve in a garden--a perfect garden. I challenge you to find a park or take a drive through the countryside. You will be amazed to find God in His creation.



Thank you, Father, for the incredible creation You have given us to enjoy. Thank you for revealing Your nature through Your creation. Help me to pause and soak in the wonder of Your creation.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

4 commenti

23 mar 2023

I want to pause and see God in His creation

Mi piace

Teeyea Yea
Teeyea Yea
23 mar 2023

This is beautiful, do have a question for those that have travled and maybe have some ideas as to where a local park or a retreat would be , just to enjoy the stars and birds ect ?

Mi piace

23 mar 2023

You bring light, love, and peace in the midst chaos and in the highest successes! I am forever thankful

Mi piace

23 mar 2023

God , you’re indeed an artist . Im. Forever grateful fot your blessings

Mi piace


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