But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.
John 1:12 NLT
Which is more important: “who I am” or “who I am becoming?”
I propose that all of us are becoming something—or someone. Every day we make choices about the people we hang out with, the food we eat, the books we read, the podcast we listen to, the entertainment we enjoy, and how we spend money. These are only a few of choices we make each day, and these choices determine the person we are becoming.
I believe that when God created us, He had a plan in mind of what the best version of us would look like. We are born with amazing potential. We must realize it is “potential”—we are like wet clay that must be formed into a beautiful work of art.
As parents we understand that we are molding our children each and every day. We teach them to have good manners by being sure they learn to say “please,” “thank you” and “yes, sir.” We are teaching them to be disciplined by insisting they make their bed and brush their teeth every morning. We are encouraging them to grow by doing their homework and reading books. We enter them into a sport like soccer so they learn to cooperate with others and work together towards a common goal.
All these things are little things on their own but put together they develop our children into responsible adults who hopefully make good choices.
Now let’s think about how that works for us adults. Do we stop learning when we turn 21? If we do, then we will be way behind in the curve of life. Every day there are opportunities to develop new habits that will improve who we are and how we think.
What new habit have you developed in the past six months?
I am working on some new habits about my health—increased exercise routines which I monitor every day. I am working to have a better impact on people around me by taking time to notice people and have a conversation with strangers. Nothing weird, just looking for a chance to show someone the love of Jesus.
I am working on some other habits that I believe will help me intellectually and professionally. This diligent work helps me become the best version of myself.
I do not believe I have arrived at the best version of me. I believe there is much work to be done. I am not the person I used to be, and I am not the person I’m going to be. But every day I am trying to make a step towards becoming God’s best version of me.
Holy Spirit I need Your help. I need You to show me areas that need to grow. I need You to teach me self-discipline so that I can become the person You created me to be.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”