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March 8, 2025




Those who live in the shelter of the Most-High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

Psalms 91:1 NLT



For the next few days, we are going to walk through the promises God gives us in Psalm 91. As we begin the journey, we learn the secret of making the right choice about our life direction.


Recently we encountered a big cold snap in Texas where we had big winds blowing icy pellets across our yard and home. I sat inside a warm home with the chill factor outside under zero. Despite the cold outside I felt safe on the inside of the wonderful home God has blessed us with. 


I made a choice to stay indoors those couple of days as much as possible. I wanted to be in the safety of our home.


God has provided a shelter for us. This shelter is in His presence. When we choose to surrender our lives to the Lordship of Jesus and live in alignment with God’s Word we are living in His shelter. 


There is no place in scripture where we are promised freedom from storms. If we live long enough, we will travel through many storms. Relational storms—people will disappoint us, lie about us, and deceive us. Financial storms—our job may be eliminated, our savings may suddenly drop in value, an emergency may hit that is bigger than our reserves. Physical storms—the doctor’s report may not be favorable; a loved one may suddenly become ill. Emotional storms—anxiety, fear, and worry may threaten our peace of mind. Spiritual storms—God may seem distance or unresponsive. 


Storms are real. I’ve lived through many storms in my life. Most of them were totally unexpected and came without warning. I’ve discovered that often storms come in groups. It seems when there is a storm in one area another storm comes in another area.


One thing I have learned is that you can’t wait till you are aware of the storm to begin to build your shelter. You need to build the shelter when life is good. You need to have the relationship with Your Heavenly Father before life falls apart. 


God’s grace will accept us into His shelter even if we waited. But the journey is better if we already have the relationship in place. You already know God’s Word and have personal habits of spending time in His presence and listening to His voice. You already are involved in a small group with other believers that love God and love you. 


Build your shelter before your storm. Daily learn to find rest in His presence. Remember the scripture says, “Those who LIVE” not “Those who VISIT.”



Holy Spirit I declare that Jesus is Lord of my life. I choose to live in the shelter of the Most-High. I want to find my place of rest in Your presence. I know I am safe in Your arms. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”



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