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May 6, 2024




So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever.

2 Corinthians 4:18 NLT



This passage of scripture reappears in my personal devotions fairly frequently. Perhaps it is the Spirit’s way of keeping me focused on what is important and what is not.


When thinking on this passage I am reminded of a quote by C. S. Lewis, "All that is not eternal is eternally useless."


This world offers a lot of stuff that is “eternally useless.” Sometimes I must remind myself that everything I possess is actually temporary. The house, car, clothes, and toys are all temporary—they are not eternal.


But what if I use the house I live in as a place to encourage and bless others? What if I use my time to love people and help lift their load? What if I use the resources God has given me to encourage, counsel, and challenge others?


I can use the temporary for an eternal purpose. Even the difficulties I may be going through now are opportunities for me to grow. Every problem has an opportunity—I just have to find what that opportunity is. 


Many of the great inventions of our time were the results of someone trying to solve a problem. I remember years ago reading about the first indoor football stadium that was being built in Houston, Texas. After millions of dollars spent on this perfectly air-conditioned stadium, they discovered they couldn’t grow grass for the playing field. Some of the investors began to pull out of the project but others were too deeply invested to pull out. Instead, they reached out to carpet manufacturers to come up with a solution of a product to play indoor football on. 


This problem gave birth to “Astro turf”—the first man-made playing surface. Today that product has transformed both indoor and outdoor sports venues. Even my local high school has a form of Astro-turf on their football field.


What problem are you facing today? What opportunity is imbedded in that problem?



Holy Spirit give me eyes to see the opportunity in every problem. Help me today to keep my focus on the eternal and not get distracted by the “eternally useless.”

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”



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06 mai 2024

Lord , it’s been a busy couple of weeks for me. I love that when I see myself sliding you always come to rescue and save me. Thank you for loving me unconditionally despite my flaws. Lord all my troubles I cast them to you.



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