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November 14, 2023




I will thank the Lord because he is just; I will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.

Psalms 7:17 NLT



Recently I was having a conversation with a pastor about another person who was making some very selfish choices that were disappointing and harmful. We realized there was very little we could do about the bad choices this person was making that would hurt others as well as themselves. It seemed so unfair that someone who do what they were doing. In the midst of that conversation the Holy Spirit reminded me of a great truth—God is a great bookkeeper! My dad used to remind me that God keeps good records and there is always a pay day coming. It may not be at the end of the week, or the end of the month, or even the end of the year—but God keeps records and always has a pay day. That pay day may be good or bad depending on the actions of the individual. I am glad God has grace and forgiveness for those of us who blow it and make bad choices. When we admit our mistakes, ask forgiveness, and turn away from those actions God forgives and removes those sins from the ledger. But if we refuse to admit our selfishness and sin, and we refuse to turn from our behavior and choices, God will bring judgement. God is love—and in His love He must judge sin. David had many enemies. There were people who wanted to kill David. Instead of losing hours of sleep plotting how to revenge the evil they had done to him David chose to remind himself that God is the just judge. God keeps good records. God can make the plans of the wicked fall back on them. When people mistreat us, say unjust things about us, and work against, us we need to remind ourselves of the words of David. We need to give them over to the Lord. Trying to figure out how to get even or correct their wrongs will destroy us on the inside. We must learn to trust that God is just, even when life isn’t.



Holy Spirit I need Your help to be able to trust God to be the just judge. Help me to not become bitter or vindictive. Help me to trust God to balance the scales fairly.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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2 commentaires

14 nov. 2023

Lord as I was feeling so defeated you came to speak to me via the word above . So I need to let things go and trust that you handle all accordingly . Please give me the strength to release all hurt and pain.


14 nov. 2023

I believe in God’s bookkeeping skills. He will correct all wrongs.



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