I am suffering and in pain. Rescue me, O God, by your saving power. Then I will praise God’s name with singing, and I will honor him with thanksgiving. For this will please the Lord more than sacrificing cattle, more than presenting a bull with its horns and hooves. The humble will see their God at work and be glad. Let all who seek God’s help be encouraged. For the Lord hears the cries of the needy; he does not despise his imprisoned people.
Psalms 69:29-33 NLT
God hears the cries of the needy. When we are in pain, confusion, frustration, and distress we often fail victim to the lie that God doesn’t care about us. David reminds us that God does hear our cries and He does rescue us in His timing.David declares that He will praise the Lord because He knew giving thanks to God was more pleasing to Him than offering animals as a sacrifice on an altar. The sacrifices were part of the religious acts required by the law. But when someone took time to praise and offer thanks they were going beyond the requirement and willfully choosing to express thanks to God.When we choose to live a life of praise and thanksgiving, we are releasing God to work in our lives. As a result, God will work, and others will see God working in and through us. When others see God working for us, they will be encouraged.Our praise and thanksgiving becomes a means of encouraging others in their pain and distress. Our praise opens heaven for us and them. They are encouraged to cry out to God and give praise also.I don’t believe we have to wait for our victory to begin our praise. I believe we can choose to praise God while we are still in a season of pain. We don’t have to wait for our victory. Praise will open the path for our victory.There is a spiritual principle that praise is the pathway into the presence of God. In the middle of our pain, we can choose to praise and thereby open the pathway to God’s presence. In God’s presence there is everything we need to live in peace, health, and prosperity.
Holy Spirit please help me to be a person of praise. Help me to choose to praise even in my pain.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”
Lord even in the midst of me being totally confused. I trust you .
I choose to be a person of praise in the good times and the not so good times. I will praise the Lord.
Joy comes in the morning. Joy also comes in the mourning. Whatever the season there is joy!!