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November 2, 2024




Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.

Proverbs 22:6 NLT



Let’s take a moment to break down this passage. The word “direct” comes from a Hebrew word that is translated most frequently in the Bible as “dedicate.” It is used to dedicate a house, the Temple, altars, and the walls of Jerusalem. Only in this passage is it translated “direct,” or, in other translations “train.”


The word comes with the idea of setting aside, narrowing, hedging in, or starting. You can see the implication is that children need to be trained to narrow their conduct away from evil and toward godliness and starting them in the right direction. As adults we have the task of modeling in front of children a life that is dedicated to godliness. Modeling authentic Christianity in front of our children prepares them for their future. 


Unfortunately, many children have never seen such a model in their homes. I do not believe it is possible to be perfect as parents. We are all flawed. But we can be authentic. Don’t try to lie about our imperfections. Be honest before God and humble about our struggles.


The second part of the passage is, “on to the right path.” There are varying views on the translation of this portion, but I prefer the view that applies this as directing our children according to the demands of their own personality and stage of life. The “right path” for one child may be very different for another child. 


While we want them to be directed onto the path of godliness there are a wide range of applications that are unique to each child. Each of our sons are unique in their personalities. The way I relate to one is different than how I relate to the other. They each have different paths for their professional lives, marriage, and parenting. They are unique individuals even though both were raised in the same home by the same parents.


As adults we are to help children find their path. The unique gifts and talents God has placed in them will forge a path of fulfillment, satisfaction, and success. 


Finally, let’s look at the final section of this passage. “When they are older, they will not leave it.” Many have considered this an iron-clad promise from God that if parents do their part the children will stay on the path of godliness. I wish this was true, but experience tells me that is not a guarantee. 


Proverbs are words of wisdom that give truths that are general. If we do this for our children generally, they will choose the path of godliness for themselves. But that child still has a free-will. They can exercise that free-will and choose not to follow what was planted in their lives. 


I believe the seed planted in the heart of a young child does have the potential to transform them regardless of how far they may wander off the path we started them on. I can pray for that and believe God to work as I water that seed. But the choice is ultimately up to the individual person. I can’t live in guilt if my child makes a choice that is not what he/she was taught. I must accept God’s grace for my mistakes and shortcomings.



Holy Spirit, help me to invest in helping to start the children in my world on the right path. Help me to be a part of planting Your seed of life in their hearts. Help me to recognize their unique gifts, talents, and abilities. Help me to encourage and model godliness in their presence. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”



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