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November 21, 2022




Are any of you sick? You should call for the elders of the church to come and pray over you, anointing you with oil in the name of the Lord. Such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make you well. And if you have committed any sins, you will be forgiven.

James 5:14-15 NLT



This is a passage that comes with a variety of opinions for its application to our present lives. There are Bible scholars who have chosen to interpret this passage as not applying to those who are physically ill but to those who are weary and tired. Others believe it includes both those who are ill and those who are weary or weak. The Greek word used by James is “asthenei” and it is used in the Gospels for physical maladies but is generally used in Acts and the Epistles to refer to a weak faith or a weak conscience. I believe because the word is used in the New Testament to refer to those who are suffering physical illness as well as those who are weary or weak James could be including both groups in this instruction. I think this passage could include people who are suffering of physical, emotional, or mental issues. James’ instruction is for the person to seek prayer from the elders of the church and to be anointed with oil. Those who hold to this passage applying only to those who are weak or weary believe this is an instruction to include prayer and medicine. Their thoughts are the “anointing with oil” was referring to rubbing oil on someone to refresh them. While I do believe in using both prayer and medicine, I don’t see this as James’s instruction here. He is talking about a spiritual act of prayer—personally if you are suffering and corporately with the elders if the personal prayer is not enough. The oil is a Biblical symbol of the Holy Spirit. When we anoint someone with oil, we are reminding them and ourselves the answer to our prayers is in the power and person of the Holy Spirit. It is not our words that bring the miracle of restoration and wholeness. It is the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. I believe there is a Biblical invitation to seek help through inviting spiritual leaders to anoint us with oil and pray over us.



Holy Spirit, I want You working in my life. Show me if there are areas where I need to invite others to join in my prayers.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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Gabriel Jenkins
Gabriel Jenkins
Nov 21, 2022

Lord give me a realization that I am not alone in this walk to you. I have a church family that is willing to help me with my journey, so help me use what you have thoughtfully given me today.


Nov 21, 2022

Lord, help me today to be sensitive to those around me that need healing. May I be a part of Your healing in their lives.


Teeyea Yea
Teeyea Yea
Nov 21, 2022

Praise God for such a powerful word .. we need more Prayer for the sick that they maybe Healed for whatever the suffering maybe .

The Healing process is something that we dont think much about until a sickness or illness comes. However it is a process in being healed alone . We definitely have to thank God for that .

Also the Lord has placed Elders in the church for a reason and season. Many times Elders are not called upon to minister grace to the body ministering in song or worship or the word .

Elders are some how get forgotten about and that is unfortunate, the Elders of the church are the pillers and should be fu…


Nov 21, 2022

Thank you for working in my life everyday to help me become more like You!



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