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November 22, 2022




Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.

James 5:16 NLT



Let’s talk about confession of sins. The scriptures declare in many places the importance of confessing our sins to God. But James tells us there is a spiritual work that is released when we confess our sins to each other. I do not believe this passage is talking about public confession services where everyone stands up and tells everyone else their sins. I do believe there is a spiritual power in living our lives in community with other believers where we can confess to others our sins and struggles and find accountability from that loving group. Sin thrives in darkness. When we confess our sins to a trusted believer, we are turning on the light. We expose the sin to God’s light of forgiveness and freedom. We also have a trusted friend to help hold us accountable to live in freedom. All forgiveness comes from God. But there is a freedom that is released when we become honest with other believers. Confession to others must be done carefully. We must confess to a spiritually mature believer who loves us and wants the best for us. This should not be done casually but with thought and desire to live in freedom from the sin.



Holy Spirit help me to know when to confess my sins to another believer. Help me know who to confess to. Help me to never hide my sin.

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Teeyea Yea
Teeyea Yea
Nov 22, 2022

So important Sin, let me remember to confess daily to the Lord our God . This is a very serious matter to God , Jesus give his life so we could be Free from Sin.

Yes we should be able to share our Sins with our fellow believers in Christ being lead by the Holy Spirit in doing so .

However for the more Mature ,that Sins are being shared with- we must always remember to listen in Love with a heart of prayer not be a tell bearing,or gossiper of your brothers or sisters Sins but honestly Pray for those who have fallen into Darkness.

God is holding all of us accountable for all of our actions and ou…


Nov 22, 2022

Sin grows in hiding. It is like cancer that is left alone. It grows and grows until it consumes the entire body. Sin never stays stagnant. It will grow until we confess and repent and expose the sin to the light of God’s Word.


Nov 22, 2022

Lord give me courage to confess when I am wrong especially when I’ve wronged someone and should seek forgiveness from you and them.


Nov 22, 2022

Help me to repent of my sins and give You total control of my life.



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