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November 22, 2023




Let me say first that I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith in him is being talked about all over the world.

Romans 1:8 NLT



Paul is writing to the followers of Christ in Rome and gives them a great compliment, “your faith in Him is being talked about all over the world.” Wow, what a statement of praise for the lives they were living in a difficult place. Their faith was so evident people were talking about their faith in Jesus.

Paul thanked God that through Jesus their faith was so evident. It is God’s grace expressed through Jesus that empowers our faith. Without God’s grace working in our lives, we do not have a chance at living a life as a follower of Jesus.

Who in your world is living a life of evident faith? Who is demonstrating to others their faith by the way they live? Perhaps this would be a good time to express thanks to God for the people in your life who are authentic in their faith. You could also drop them a note, email, or text and let them know how their faith has impacted you.

This should also prompt us to look at our lives and ask if our faith is evident to all? Are we living our lives in such a way that people will see Jesus in us? Are there some changes we need to make to better demonstrate Jesus to our world?



Holy Spirit help me today to live a life that demonstrates true faith in Jesus. Help me to point people to You through the way I live. Help to always be thankful for those You have put in my life that demonstrate authentic faith.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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Nov 22, 2023

I am ever thankful for my late mother who had unwavering faith in Jesus no matter how life presented itself . I will continue to strive to be better because of her . I do want to live a better life where people see Jesus in me.


Nov 22, 2023

I want to have authentic faith that is evident to all. I will be a student of the Word and spend time in prayer in order to keep growing my faith.


Nov 22, 2023

Thank You for blessing me!

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