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November 24, 2022




We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light. For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who purchased our freedom and forgave our sins.

Colossians 1:11-14 NLT



Paul is writing about how thankful he was for the believers and their faith. He prayed that they would be strengthened to have endurance and patience and be filled with joy. Paul then tells them their reaction to God working in their lives should be thanksgiving to God. There is a key word Paul uses to remind them to be thankful. It is the word, “inheritance.” Paul reminded them, and us, that we have received an inheritance. God has rescued us from darkness and transferred us into His kingdom. We have been “purchased.” Jesus has purchased our freedom and forgiveness. An inheritance is something given by the person who worked for it to a person who did nothing to gain it. One generation works to build wealth and then they choose to give that wealth as an inheritance to another generation who have not worked for that wealth. Often, we see the second generation waste that wealth because they do not appreciate the hard work and sacrifice that went into building that wealth. Other times there is a generation that does recognize the value of what has been freely given to them. They choose to be thankful for the gift and work to build on that foundation. I want to always remember the inheritance that Jesus purchased by His blood on Calvary for me. I want to live a life worthy of what He has given to me. I want to help others to understand the inheritance that is available to them. How sad to live a life without knowing you are an heir of the Most-High God. Let’s give thanks for our inheritance!



Prayer: Holy Spirit, I give You thanks for the inheritance that is mine in the Lord Jesus. Jesus, thank-you for purchasing my inheritance of forgiveness and freedom.

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Nov 24, 2022

Thank you Father for my inheritance of freedom and forgiveness and life in your Kingdom. Thank you Jesus for paying the price I could not pay. Help me Holy Spirit to walk worthy of my inheritance sharing with others the good news bringing your marvelous light unto this dark world. Your will be done today. ✨️ 💕🙌🏾👑


Nov 24, 2022

I am thankful for the mercy and grace God has given to me.


Nov 24, 2022

Thank You, Lord God!

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