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October 15, 2024




And “don’t sin by letting anger control you.” Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.

Ephesians 4:26-27 NLT



God really dislikes the impact that anger has on our lives. The One Who created us says that anger is not a good thing to have in our lives.


Scientists tell us when we get angry, chemicals are released in our bodies that attack our adrenal glands and those glands shoot out all kinds of things in our body. Our palms start sweating, our temperature is raised, our blood sugar increases, our heart rate elevates, we get nervous, we get primed for action. All of this is pent up inside of us and God says, "Don't get that all built up in your life and then try to go to sleep with it. It will eat on you." 


That’s why God says, “Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry.” Your body will not be able to get the rest it needs, and you will find yourself messed up.


When we allow anger to remain in our lives, we give a “foothold to the devil.” Satan has a place to work in our lives. If anger is allowed to stay in our minds and hearts it will produce bitterness, resentment, and a desire for revenge. None of these are good. They will always lead us to trouble and away from God’s will for our lives. 


If anger is allowed to live in our lives we will be impacted physically, socially, and spiritually. I mentioned above about the physical part. The social part of our lives is impacted because nobody wants to be a friend to someone who is bitter, resentful, and seeking revenge. Therefore, we will become lonely and depressed as we blame the person we are angry at instead of realizing we are the one who allowed the anger to grow in our lives. 


No one can make me angry. I choose to be angry. If I choose to be angry, I can choose to not be angry. When I choose to not be angry, I am helping myself more than helping the other person.


When I allow anger in my life it impacts my relationship with God. God is a forgiving God. He wants us to be forgiving people. If we aren’t forgiving of others, then we block God’s grace from being able to work in our lives. 


I can’t live without God’s grace working in me. I am helpless to be the person I need to be on my own. I must have God’s grace. 


Today I make a choice to forgive and live in freedom from anger. I will not rehearse their wrong actions or words. I will live in freedom. 



Holy Spirit I need Your help. I need Your grace to empower me to live daily in forgiveness. I refuse to allow bitterness, resentment, or a desire for revenge to grow in my life. 

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