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October 17, 2024




Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.

Mark 1:35 NLT



I find it interesting through my years of pastoral ministry that almost every Christian I have met admits they struggle with having a consistent time for daily devotions. I believe that every day should include a time in the Word and a time for prayer. I also like to include time for journaling and reading but that is not for everyone.


There are two secrets to being consistent in your daily devotions. They are not complicated secrets but unfortunately a lot of people have never discovered them and that is why I say they are secrets. 


First, you need to discover a TIME when you will have your devotions. I discovered for my routine of life first thing in the morning has been the best for me. Rarely do people interrupt me at 6:00am—some days it is earlier because of my schedule. But doing it first in the morning is when I am freshest and best. 


I have friends who are night people and they do it at night before going to bed. I have one friend who does his at 2:00pm every day—his schedule allows him to stop in the middle of the day. I share this to say there is no sacred or holy time to meet with God. Jesus prayed early in the morning, but He also prayed late at night.


The second secret is you need a PLACE. I believe it is important to find a time and a place where you will do your daily devotions. I have a chair I love to sit in to read, journal, and pray. Most days I begin in the chair for devotions and then walk for my prayer time. 


There is something in our psyche that connects with physical locations. When we develop a pattern of praying at a certain physical location it opens us up to connect with God when we are in that location. 


One more thought, our time with God should not be legalistic. By this I mean there will be times we need to shift and adjust because life does get crazy. There will be days we miss our quiet time with God. Instead of feeling like a failure and giving up we need to just decide if we miss a day weI will not miss two days. 


I don’t believe heaven has a “Devotion Chart” where we are judged on how many days this week I had a quiet time with God. I do believe that small acts on a consistent basis are what transforms our lives. When we daily carve out time for devotions and prayer, we are inching towards the person God created us to become. 


Never underestimate the power of small acts in the right direction. 



Holy Spirit help me to discover my time and place to meet with You on a daily basis. Help me to be consistent. Help me to grow more like You each day. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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