Other seed fell among rocks. It began to grow, but the plant soon wilted and died for lack of moisture.
Luke 8:6 NLT
The second seed that Jesus spoke about in the story of the farmer is the seed that fell “among the rocks.” (Remember this story is an analogy using the seed as the Word of God and the soil as the hearts of people.)
This type of soil represents those whose lives are full of activity and action. There is some space given to the Word and it begins to grow but when hardship comes it dies due to lack of roots that can hold moisture.
There are a lot of people who had an experience with Jesus. They were moved to open their hearts to God’s truth but soon after opening their hearts they got sidetracked and never really got planted in the Word.
Jesus tells us in the Word that being a follower of Jesus does not isolate us from problems or difficulties. In fact, He promises that in this world we will have problems (John 16:33). That is why it is crucial that when we receive God’s Word into our hearts, we work to get His truth deep into our lives.
There are three crucial actions we must take to build a root system in our spiritual lives. First, we must commit to corporate worship with other believers. The weekend worship service is a time for renewing and refreshing as we are encouraged by others and encourage others.
Secondly, we need to commit to a small group. Real growth happens in small groups. When we commit to do life together with other believers amazing things begin to happen in our lives. The Word of God is allowed to be planted deep in our spirit.
Finally, we must commit to developing a daily quiet time with God. By this I mean we need to learn how to read the Bible, how to pray, and how to journal the thoughts and insights the Spirit is showing us.
Unless we make a commitment to these three things, we will never experience full transformation and the life God intends for us to have.
Holy Spirit help me to commit to corporate worship, a small group, and daily quiet times. Show me how to do that effectively in my life.
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