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October 24, 2024




Loving God means keeping his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome.

1 John 5:3 NLT



Many people think of obedience as a duty and burden of being a Christian. We must obey God. But John tells us God’s commands are “not burdensome.”


Perhaps John was recalling the words of Jesus from Matthew 11:30, “My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” 


Both John and Jesus teach us that the commandments God asks us to keep should not be a burden but a blessing. I believe this begins with love and faith.


Because I love my wife and kids it is not a burden to work to support them and supply for their needs. Because I love them, I choose not to get involved in other relationships or activities that could harm my relationship with my wife and kids. I don’t go to work as a burden. I don’t separate from wrong relationships or activities as a burden. I do that because I love my wife and kids. 


True love is not just flowers and moonlight strolls. True love is the effort you put into the relationship. You don’t get true love without sacrifice.


In the Old Testament book of Genesis, we read of a man who loved a woman so much he worked for her father for seven years in order to marry her. It says the seven years seemed like only a few days to him (Gensis 29:20).


Faith is a part of this obedience as well. When we believe that God loves us and wants the best for us then we begin to look at the Biblical commandments as blessings not burdens. We believe that living according to God’s Word will bring blessing into our lives. 


It is like a friend of mine who moved across the country during COVID for his wife to work as a nurse in a crucial area. She made a six-month commitment to a job. The hours were really long, and the pressure was intense. But they chose to do it because the financial reward was such that it would allow them to purchase a home and start a family. She did not look at the hard work as a burden but a blessing. 


 Faith helps us to realize God wants the best for us and has given us guidelines in the Word to allow us to live the best life. So, if I have enough faith, I see the laws of God as opportunity to put myself in position for the best possible future. 



Holy Spirit give me the love and faith to obey Your law. Help me to trust in Your love. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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