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October 25, 2022




If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.

James 1:5 NLT



This passage happens to be one of my favorites and one of the most quoted verses in the Bible. Previously, James wrote that we are to count it great joy when we face trials because the trials bring perseverance and perseverance, perfection. We noticed in those opening verses James doesn’t say “if” you face trials but “when” you face trials. Difficulties are a part of life for the believer and unbeliever. Being a follower of Jesus doesn’t give us a pass on problems. Within the past twenty-four hours I’ve prayed with a pastor who has been battling some sickness in his home for what seems like months. He and his wife have fasted, anointed their home with oil, and asked others to pray over them and their children. Just when it seems they have won the battle something else pops up. It is not by coincidence immediately after talking about how problems can be used to perfect us that James encourages us to ask for wisdom. Most of us in times of problems ask for deliverance not for wisdom. But there is a great truth we need to realize; problems will make us bitter or better. It is not the problem but our response to the problem that will determine whether we become bitter or better. This is why we need wisdom. We need wisdom so we can learn from our problems and become better people. We need wisdom to understand how to properly respond to our problems. The wrong response may mean we have to go through the problem again until we learn the right response. In every problem there is opportunity for growth. We need wisdom to find that opportunity. We need wisdom to grow through our pain.



Holy Spirit give me wisdom in my present circumstance so that I know what I need to do and what I need to learn. Help me to see my problems from Your perspective. Help me to have wisdom in every detail of my life.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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Oct 26, 2022

Such a wonderful thought for today, as always Gods word and timing are perfect!!

Thank you Pastor Darius



Oct 25, 2022

Thank you Darius for those good words and prayer. If you think about it this is very deep. Not just surface! I think we neglect to ask God for wisdom when we need deliverance for some situation. This is a key verse for us to follow. God Bless You for sharing!


Oct 25, 2022

Spending more time with the Holy Spirit in prayer is always a game changer. It is amazing how wisdom seems to come when I’m in His presence.


Gabriel Jenkins
Gabriel Jenkins
Oct 25, 2022

Lord help me not to be afraid of asking you for help. Get me out of that mindset of “I can do it on my own”


Oct 25, 2022

Father God, help me to always ask for your wisdom in all I do. For this will move me to next level of life. That may bring peace and perseverance



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