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October 25, 2023




God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy to the church, and he blesses all who listen to its message and obey what it says, for the time is near.

Revelation 1:3 NLT



In my Bible school studies I took classes on prophecy. I remember in my undergraduate work having to design a prophecy chart. In our class we all studied the same Bible passages, listened to the lectures, and read various commentaries to design our prophecy charts to tell when we felt various elements of prophecy were going to happen and in what order. There were no two charts that matched in the class. Everyone took the same information and came to different conclusions. There were several issues that we matched on, but there were others we all disagreed on. It is this idea of disagreement that often causes followers of Christ to avoid studying prophecy. Yet our text tells us “God blesses the one who reads the words of this prophecy.” There is a blessing when we read and study prophecy. Some practical ways we get blessed is that our faith is built to recognize that God is in control. He has a plan that will restore justice to the earth. We also are encouraged to want to share God’s plan with our world. We want to see others come the saving faith in Jesus so they can avoid the coming judgment of God. We are also motivated to live in faith that regardless of how dark life may be now God going to bring in His light and set the record straight. Prophecy should not give us fear but faith. God is in charge. We win as followers of Christ. Let’s invite the Holy Spirit to teach us God’s plan for our world.



Holy Spirit please give me understanding and faith. Help me to move forward as a person of faith in God’s control of my future.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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5 comentarios

25 oct 2023

God I trust and know that you’re in control !

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25 oct 2023

I want to walk in Your plan for my life.

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25 oct 2023

With everything going on in the world, now more than ever it’s our duty as a follower of God to spread the word that God is coming back to restore justice to the world!

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25 oct 2023

Interesting times in which we now live. It's all part of Your plan. Father, I pray for increased faith to run this race.

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25 oct 2023

I am glad to be reminded that God is in total control. I want to live in faith and not fear.

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