And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest.
Luke 8:15 NLT
Jesus tells us the “good soil” has three characteristics—they “hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest.”
The starting point of producing fruit in our lives is to “hear God’s word.” I believe we must put ourselves in a position to hear God’s Word daily. The Bible teaches that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. We need to put ourselves in a position to hear God’s Word. I personally listen to worship music, podcast, books, and sermons daily. Every week I listen to at least three sermons to feed my spirit, so that I don’t get dry as I give out to others.
Then comes the “cling to it” part. This is where we do more than hear or read the Word, we meditate or think about what we have heard. I learned when I sit down to write a devotion from what I am reading it helps me “cling” to the Word. I ask myself what this passage says and how does that apply to my life.
Finally, there is the patiently producing a harvest. I believe this includes taking what we have heard and meditated on and sharing it with others. We learn the best when we are forced to teach someone else. I learned this in college when studying for a difficult class. When I knew the material good enough to teach it to my other classmates I knew it for the test.
To get the harvest we must be patient. It is not doing the right thing once that matters. It is the consistent hearing of the Word, applying the Word, and sharing the Word that develops a productive life. Consistency produces fruit.
It is not the one trip to the gym that makes me healthy. It is the consistent process of visiting the gym four or five times a week. Week after week the consistency transforms my body.
When we make consistency our goal then we begin to see fruit in our lives. Fruit that comes from Christ character in us. Other people are attracted to our lives because of the consistency in our lives.
Holy Spirit help me to be good soil for the Word of God. Help me to be consistent in my daily life.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”
God it’s one thing to read your word . I need to actually practice it .