Know the state of your flocks, and put your heart into caring for your herds,
Proverbs 27:23 NLT
In Solomon’s day “your flocks” were your financial security. It would be like telling someone to know where their money is being spent. The best way to handle finances is to begin with an understanding of where your money is going. People say that money talks, I say money walks. If you don’t know where it is going it will walk away from you.
You need to know what you owe, what you own, what you earn, and where it's going. Twice in our married life Cindy and I have gone through Financial Peace University with Dave Ramsey. Early in the class you must put together a family budget. To put together an accurate budget you had to know where your money was going.
I am always surprised by the number of people that have no idea where they spend their money. They don’t pay attention to where their money is going.
Once you know where your money is coming from and where it is going you can then decide where it should be going. This allows you develop a plan—it’s called a budget. You must plan your budget and then work your plan.
While some people consider budgeting an nonspiritual activity I think it is very spiritual. Jesus tells us where our money is our heart is. So, a lot of people have their hearts in the wrong place because they are allowing their money to go to the wrong place.
I think the idea of budgeting works for every area of my life, not just money. If I want to be healthy, I must budget my sleep, eating, and exercise. When I get serious about losing weight the I log everything I eat and drink. (I really hate this activity because I am always surprised at how little things add up.) It is amazing when I know I must log something I choose not to eat that Oreo.
Spiritually I budget time for daily devotions, prayer, and meditation. I must look at my weekly schedule and be sure there is time for my spiritual growth.
I budget my time daily. I make lists every day and determine my schedule to get my list done. This makes my day productive.
Do you know the “state of your flocks?”
Holy Spirit help me today to take the time to know the state of my flocks. Help me to develop plans in every area of my life to be the best I can be.
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