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September 14, 2022




We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God. We capture their rebellious thoughts and teach them to obey Christ.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 NLT


TODAY’S THOUGHT Living the life that God designed for us is a daily battle. The battle ground is our mind. Our mind is the center of “human reasoning” and “false arguments.” It is our mind that gets full of “rebellious thoughts.” How do we win this war in our minds? Satan uses our present culture to constantly attack our minds and plant thoughts that are hostile to a kingdom mentality. In my life, I have found the Word of God and prayer to be the key weapons to win the war in the mind. As I spend time in the Word, I am allowing the Holy Spirit to renew my mind by filling my mind with truth. This requires daily time in the Word. I can’t do this on a once-a-week diet of God’s Word. Prayer is the other key component. My prayer time allows the Holy Spirit to show me thoughts that are not in line with God’s Word. For instance, there was a particular person with which I was having a problem. They had done some things that aggravated me and really rubbed me the wrong way. They were full of pride and arrogance, and I was justifying my attitude towards them. In prayer, the Holy Spirit let me know my attitude was hurting me more than it hurt them. I was not loving them the way Christ loved me. I chose to pray blessings on them daily. At first my prayers were not very sincere. I said the right words but didn’t mean them. (God understands our humanity.) But I remember the day I prayed for that person, and I sincerely felt the words. I wanted God to bless their lives. That was my breakthrough. From then on, I did not carry resentment or anger towards them. They were in God’s hands, and I was free of those thoughts that were weighing me down. This works in every area of our thought life. Whatever thoughts are not in agreement with God’s truth we can pray against them. What area of your thoughts do you need to change to become the best person God created you to be?


TODAY’S PRAYER Holy Spirit show me where my thoughts are wrong. Empower me today to begin to pray against wrong thoughts and take them captive. I speak freedom in my thoughts today.

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Sep 14, 2022

I pray for the Holy Spirit to control every thought. Keep my thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ.



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