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September 17, 2024




Even Gentiles, who do not have God’s written law, show that they know his law when they instinctively obey it, even without having heard it. They demonstrate that God’s law is written in their hearts, for their own conscience and thoughts either accuse them or tell them they are doing right.

Romans 2:14-15 NLT



Yesterday we talked about knowing the truth of God through creation, today let’s consider that we can know God through our conscience.


I believe because we are created by God, He has placed within each human a part of Himself that reveals right and wrong to us. Even though many people choose to ignore that part of God inside of them they can’t escape the reality that it does exist.


Years ago, our family had attended an evening camp meeting service and went out to eat with some friends after the service. While the adults visited the kids went and sat in the lobby of the restaurant and watched TV. It was Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show—yes, that was a long time ago. 


I was intrigued that Johnny’s guest was Hugh Hefner. I was an early teenager and had heard his name. He sat on the set in his silk robe with his pipe and talked about his playboy lifestyle and the great fun he was having. Then Johnny asked about Hugh’s daughter who was about to be 18 at the time. I remember Johnny asking Hugh when his daughter was going to come and join Hugh’s party.


At that moment Hefner dropped his pipe, tightened his face, and immediately told Johnny, “My daughter is never going to join this party.”


For several minutes Hefner had bragged about his party lifestyle and how great it was. But when asked about his daughter joining that lifestyle there was something inside of him that knew the truth—this was not the right lifestyle. 


I have never forgotten that moment. As I sat watching that TV I remembered this verse of scripture— “God’s law is written in their hearts.” 


We can brag about our sin and try to make it sound great. But on the inside, we know the truth. There is always something that tells us the difference between right and wrong.



Holy Spirit help me to always listen to Your voice that You planted inside of my heart. Help me to listen to You as You speak to me. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”


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