His purpose was for the nations to seek after God and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us.
Acts of the Apostles 17:27 NLT
When my grandkids were young, we used to love to play “hide and seek.” They loved to hide while I counted, but as soon as I came looking for them, they would laugh or make a noise so I could know where they were. I would pretend not to see them and look in all kinds of weird places talking out loud about where I was looking. They would evidentially shout out where they were so I would find them. Then it would be my turn to hide. I had to choose carefully where I “hid” because if it was too hard the game would end in tears. I would have to make a noise or move something so they could find me. Often, Cindy would assist them in pointing where to look. I wanted them to find me. Our Heavenly Father wants to be found by us. He has decided not to be far from any of us who are willing to seek for Him. He wants us to go after Him. The moment we begin to go after God, He will reveal Himself to us in amazing ways. He is not far from us. Sometimes we accept the lie that Satan tries to feed us. He likes to try to convince us that God is unknowing, absent, or distant. Satan even tries to tell us that unless we are perfect or know the secret formula, we can’t get to know God. But that is all a lie. God has initiated contact with us through His Son. God loved us so much He sent Jesus to earth to die for our sins and open the door for a relationship between us and our Father God. After Jesus’ resurrection God the Father and God the Son sent the Holy Spirit to live with us and in us. He wants to be present in every part of our day. Seek for God and you will find Him. He is not far.
Holy Spirit today I want to seek for a greater awareness of Your presence in my life. I want to pause from all the activity and listen to You.
“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”
I am so glad that my Heavenly Father is near. I want to live with an awareness of His nearness.
Lord, I thank you for covering me and my life . I know you are always there guiding and protecting me. Thank you for everything . Please continue to protect us .
I look to You! My provider, source, and hope of life. Thank you for making me new in You every day
Father, forgive me for playing the game all the while You knew where I was. Forgive me for trying to hide from You. I pray that I focus on You all the time.