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September 18, 2024




Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Don’t get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil.

Proverbs 4:26-27 NLT



We talked the past couple of days about knowing God through creation and conscience, today let’s look at knowing God through consideration. When I use this term, I mean that we use our brains to seek for truth. When we consider the various paths that claim to be true, I believe we will discover the path that leads to ultimate truth is Jesus.


Another translation interprets the first part of our text today as, “Carefully consider the path for your feet, and all your way will be established.” How do we do this?


I am not really good with directions. Prior to apps on my phone, I used maps to guide me where to go. Now my vehicle has a guidance system and I have apps on my phone. I have learned by experience that the guidance system on my vehicle can’t be trusted. My car’s information is outdated, and roads are constantly changing. One of the roads that I travel the most is not even on my car’s map.


On the other hand, I love my Waze app. It is constantly updated not only with the new construction but with information on wrecks, traffic flow, and other vital information to help you get from one place to another. I have learned to trust Waze even when it tells me to go a direction I have never been.


Recently I was headed to Dallas and started to go my normal route when I thought about turning on Waze. I knew where I was going and how to get there. But Waze told me to go a completely different way. I went on back roads that I had never traveled. I was wondering what was going on and having to pay close attention to the directions because I was in a whole new world. I chose to take that unknown route because I trusted Waze.


It turned out there was a major accident on the interstate and Waze took me around the traffic. Waze had information I didn’t have. Because of my past experience with Waze, I considered it to be true even when I didn’t understand or know the why. 


In the same way we can consider God’s Word to be true even when we don’t understand all the why behind what He says. The more we follow God’s Word the more we discover the truth of God’s Word. Our limited knowledge should not keep us from following my faith in the truth of God.


Once you try out God’s Word you will discover it works every time. You may not understand it all but by choosing to follow you discover there is a lot of truth in God’s Word. 



Holy Spirit I need Your help in understanding the direction of God’s Word. I need You to be my Teacher and Guide. Lead me in Your truth. 

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”



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18. sep. 2024

God please guide me .



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