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September 5, 2023




Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon. The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.

Isaiah 58:10-11 NLT



When we go through storms in our lives, we can feel like we are falling into a deep dark hole. Oftentimes that darkness brings us to depression. That depression is often caused by too much focus on the problems of our lives—real or imagined. There is a natural tendency to expend a lot of energy on the problems and pain of our life. Sometimes we are forced to expend that energy to resolve the problem or pain. But often we spend so much energy on our circumstances of life that we become consumed with the darkness and begin a downward spiral that plummets us into a dark hole. The prophet Isaiah challenges us to take a step out of our darkness by caring for others. Find someone who is hungry or in trouble and help them. Then he gives us a promise—when we choose to help others God will bring light into our world. God will be our guide, provider, and strength. I particularly like the last line in our passage today. I live in Texas, and we are in 47 days without measurable rain and 100 plus temperatures. Everything is turning brown. But there are some places that look beautiful and green. Those are the places that have received lots of water. When the sun is this hot you must have a good source of water to turn anything really green. You may have a lot of problems today, but you can take a moment and choose to serve someone else. That act of service to another will release God’s presence and provision for you. Try it, it works!



Holy Spirit help me today to refocus from my problems to the needs that are around me. Help me to see what You want me to do.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”

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Lord I will serve others and you . Thank you for all your blessings in advance. I really enjoy helping others .



I want to focus on others today,

Barbara Hill
Barbara Hill

This is a confirmation to the VOD (vs of the day), Matt. 28:18-20. Regardless of my curcumstances.... I have something to give, teach, or share.



I give my life to You. For You are the author and creator of my future, success, and desires

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