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September 9, 2023




God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.

1 Peter 4:10 NLT



I have people ask me from time to time how they can discover the gifts God has given them. The scripture is very clear that as followers of Christ we have all been given gifts. Our mix of gifts is unique to us. Our gifts are a combination of our talents and abilities. I remember years ago we had a class at the church for people wanting to discover their gifts. We gave out personal inventories to help people answer a series of questions to determine what gifts they had been given by God. While those inventories were good starting places to determine some gifts, we soon discovered people really didn’t understand their gifts until they began to serve others. The gifts that God gives are not designed to simply wear as a badge of honor. The gifts are given to serve others. You will never discover the fullness of your gifts until you become active in serving others. I believe whatever God wants you to do in His kingdom He has equipped you with the gifts you need to that well. Most of the time you will not fully know what you can do well until you start to do it. It is okay to volunteer in an area and after six months discover this really is not my gift. It is okay to try multiple things until you discover something that you are good at and helps other people. I believe the greatest level of satisfaction in life is to discover what gifts we have and how we can use them to serve others and build the kingdom of God. As one man said, “The best two days of your life are when you are born and when you discover why you were born.” At this season of my life I know I have been born to encourage others through preaching, teaching, coaching, and consulting. I am not a great counselor, but I am a great encourager. I must use that gift to strengthen others to achieve God’s destiny for their lives.



Holy Spirit help me to discover the gifts You have given me. Show me where I can begin to serve to help others and build Your kingdom.

“Scroll down to share what you feel God is saying based on today’s reading.”


Barbara Hill
Barbara Hill
Sep 10, 2023

I'm grateful God can use me right where I am. I know He has a perfect plan and I choose to yield to that plan.


Sep 09, 2023

Lord I pray that you show me which ministry you would like my services .


Sep 09, 2023

I am thankful for the gifts God gives.



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